Foundations Blog
We’re in a new series called “Foundations” which builds off of Jesus’ metaphor in Matt 7: “A house built on sand will never be able to stand BUT a house that’s built on the rock will never be able to fall.”
8:36 AM
Belief #6 SALVATION - Discussion Guide for Groups
8:36 AM
8:36 AM
Begin in prayer, welcoming the Holy Spirit, inviting Him to lead, guide, and convict. Then, reflect on the sermon. What were some highlights? Was anything particularly helpful, convicting, or confusing?
Examine the Word
- Read Ephesians 2:1-10 and Romans 5:8-9
- Read John 10:27-29 and 1 John 5:13
For Discussion
- Why do we need to be saved? Look at Ephesians 2:1-3 for details.
- Define grace. What does it mean that God saves us “not by works” (Eph 2:9)?
- Salvation is a gift motivated by God’s mercy, grace, and love for His people. How have you seen Him be merciful, gracious, and loving in your life?
- Jesus, as fully God and fully human, served as our substitute by dying in our place. He also provided us with righteousness (justification). Why is it important that we remember both of these and not just one (see Romans 5:8-9)?
- When we are saved, we move from death to life. How have you seen death give way to life in your own story?
- One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is assurance in our salvation. How has the Spirit given you assurance in times of doubt or suffering?
For Practice
- Praise: Worship God through one of the following songs: “In Christ Alone,” “Death Was Arrested,” “God So Loved,” “King of Kings”
- Tell: Purposely pray for someone who you can share your story of salvation with. Ask God for an opportunity to tell them how Jesus has transferred you from death to life, darkness to light.
For Family Discussions
- Talk about the sermon together. What did you learn that was new? Were there any parts that were confusing?
- Talk about the consequences of sin and the gift of salvation. Why is Jesus’ death and resurrection called “good news”?
- What is grace? How can you show grace to your family and friends this week?
Published on 02-27-2022 @ 8:36 AM CDT