Foundations Blog

We’re in a new series called “Foundations” which builds off of Jesus’ metaphor in Matt 7: A house built on sand will never be able to stand BUT a house that’s built on the rock will never be able to fall.

04-10-2022 8:46 AM

Virtue #1 LOVING - Discussion Guide for Groups

04-10-2022 8:46 AM
04-10-2022 8:46 AM

Begin in prayer, welcoming the Holy Spirit, inviting Him to lead, guide, and convict. Then, reflect on the sermon. What were some highlights? Was anything particularly helpful, convicting, or confusing?

Examine the Word

  • Read Matthew 5:43-48
  • Read 1 John 4

For Discussion

  • What is the tension between grace and truth as it relates to loving people well?
  • Share an example of a person in your life who you find difficult to love. How has the Holy Spirit led you to love them?
  • Pick one of the adjectives from 1 Corinthians 13 that Paul uses to describe the term “love.” Discuss (1) when/how you’ve seen someone practice that kind of love and (2) how God might be challenging you to grow in your love.
  • Jesus taught radical love, even for enemies who persecute us. Where has the church gone wrong in loving people who are far from Christ? Where have we done it right? Share examples.
  • Love is the most important quality for a Christ-follower to portray. Why is it so powerful?

For Practice

  • Memorize Matthew 22:37-40: Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
  • Pray: Write down the name of someone who you find hard to love. Pray for God’s work in their life and that your heart would be softened toward them. Ask God to give you creativity to act in proactive love toward them.
  • Reach out: Pick someone in your sphere who needs to be reminded of God’s love. Go out of your way to encourage them, tell them how much God loves them, and even send a gift/card to bless their week.

For Family Discussions

  • Talk about how God is love. We can learn love by looking at what Jesus did and does for us.
  • Challenge each family member to pick a friend this week who they can show extra love toward (through a hug, a homemade picture/card, a kind word or compliment).


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