Foundations Blog

We’re in a new series called “Foundations” which builds off of Jesus’ metaphor in Matt 7: A house built on sand will never be able to stand BUT a house that’s built on the rock will never be able to fall.

06-05-2022 8:19 AM

Virtue #8 GRACIOUS - Discussion Guide for Groups

06-05-2022 8:19 AM
06-05-2022 8:19 AM

Examine the Word

  • Read Exodus 34:5-7 and Psalm 103
  • Read Colossians 4:2-6

For Discussion

  • One of God’s repeated descriptions of Himself in the Old Testament is found in Exodus 34:5-7 and Psalm 103. Yahweh calls Himself “compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.” Is this the way you think of God? Why or why not? What is the connection between grace and these other virtues listed in the passage (compassion, patience, love, and faithfulness)?
  • To be gracious is to be grace-filled or grace-forward. Jesus was described as “full of grace.” Consider your family, your church, your group of friends. Would you be described that way? How can you grow in exhibiting grace to others?
  • Who in your life has shown you the grace of God? Share a story of someone who modeled grace to you.
  • Colossians 4:2-6 talks about how to be an effective witness to those who don’t know Jesus. Paul urges the Colossians to be “full of grace, seasoned with salt.” What does this mean? How can Christians balance an attitude of grace with a knowledge of truth?

For Practice

  • Act: Humans were designed to reflect God - to show His character to the world. How can you, as an image bearer of a compassionate and gracious God, specifically act in grace this week toward a friend, coworker, or family member? How can you make grace your first reaction?
  • Praise: Our salvation is on the basis of God’s grace. He gifts us His righteousness! Spend some time adoring and worshipping God for His grace in your life.
  • Tell: Who do you know who needs to know the grace of Jesus? Set up a time to meet and share with them the way that God loves them.

For Family Discussions

  • Write a definition of “grace.” Talk about why grace is so important in your family. Imagine ways that you can be gracious with one another (siblings to one another, kids to parents, parents to kids).


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