Foundations Blog
We’re in a new series called “Foundations” which builds off of Jesus’ metaphor in Matt 7: “A house built on sand will never be able to stand BUT a house that’s built on the rock will never be able to fall.”
8:21 AM
Virtue #9 GENEROUS - Discussion Guide for Groups
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Examine the Word
- Read Deuteronomy 15:1-11
- Read Luke 6:37-45
For Discussion
- As God was establishing the blueprint of Israel’s justice system, He urged them toward generosity. What does Yahweh specifically tell them to do in Deuteronomy 15:1-11? As people of the New Covenant, how can we apply these commands? In other words, how does God want us to behave with regard to money, possessions, and debts?
- In Deuteronomy 15, we see many adjectives listed to describe the type of generous person God desires. Talk about these adjectives. Do they describe you? How would you like to grow in this area?
- Luke records the Sermon on the Plain in Luke 6. In verses 37-45, Jesus preaches about attitudes that are judgmental, selfish, and hard-hearted. What does He say about generosity? What is God’s blessing toward those who give freely and joyfully?
- Though it’s never a one-to-one response, God does repay generosity. How have you seen this happen in your own life? Share your story with your group. How did God’s blessing after generosity spur you on to further generosity?
For Practice
- Give: Assess how much you are giving to the work of the Kingdom of God. Challenge yourself to go above this amount, trusting that God will provide for your needs.
- Pray: What God is most concerned about in the area of generosity is the attitude of your heart. Are you tight-fisted or open-handed? Are you reluctant or eager? Are you resigned or excited? Ask God to make you generous by the work of His Holy Spirit within you.
For Family Discussions
- Talk about God as our Provider and how we’ve been entrusted with things as His stewards. What does it mean for your family to use your money/house/possessions/relationships to bring God honor?
- How can your family be generous to someone in need this week? Be specific and make a plan!
Published on 06-12-2022 @ 8:21 AM CDT